In planning for over two
Green Source Organics' concept is for a
"green", organic chemical, food, feed & conusmer product
manufacturing facility for southern New Jersey...the most
populated US state...where family farms still exist in a desparate
struggle to avoid being overrun by the pressures of encroaching
Green Source Organics' goal is to form symbiotic relationships with our local community and other regional areas, that are often neglected in our fast-paced world, to help our physical environment as well as encourage "green" economies.
Green Source Organics is designed to be financially and environmentally productive while maintaining a sense of community in areas that are often ignored by, or even unknown by, many of our northerly or westerly neighbors.
More Details About Green Source Organics
Our Southern Initiatives division, together with our efforts in Southern NJ, will focus
on partering with the south-eastern US, the Carribean Basin and
immediately surrounding continental areas. These are regions that
can also benefit from a new
vision of revitalization of lands and seas to higher economic
potentials. The solar energy potential in these areas is to
great to ignore, even if the capture media we will focus on are plants
and water, as opposed to traditional solar power.
Just as some of the chemical technologies that we will utilize are very new, so are the
crop and product
possibilities being debated as agri-technologies develop.
But those that will be chosen will be aimed at replenishing, rather
than putting more pressures on, limited or dwindling natural resources.
Organic Chemicals derived
from wastes/byproducts of BioFuel manufacturing: Propylene Glycol, Acetol & polyol
monomers, DHA, epichlorohydrin, ethanol.
Feeds, Food Additives and suplements from oils, seedcake & waste glycerin: Protein-rich animal & fish feed; Omega-3 oils; oils for human consumption
Foods Division will join farming & aquaculture operations with R&D: algal cultures and feeds
Consumer products from
re-vitalization products of farms and farmland in connection with oil feedstock production and other plants/crops.